
December 2022 Club Meeting

The Christmas Social was a successful event, attended by 24 Club members plus our patron Gary Rance.

A total of around £130 was raised from the raffle and wood/equipment sales.

Four of the club lathes were out – Gary did a quick demo of a “Tippee Top” – and several others had a go at producing one.

The Keith Sherwood trophy was won by Malcolm Cleaver.

Malcolm receiving the Keith Sherwood trophy from Brian

The Beginner category award went to Clive Rogerson, who was also promoted into the Advanced category.

Clive receiving the beginner category award from Brian

The Advanced category award went to Paul Williamson, who was also promoted into the Masters category

Paul receiving the advanced category award from Brian

The Masters category award went to Phil Scoltock

Malcolm, on behalf of Phil, receiving the masters category award from Brian

The “Turner of the Year” award went to Clive Rogerson

Clive receiving the turner of the year award from Brian

A few other photos from the evening…