
Berkshire Woodturners Association is open to woodturners of all abilities and interests: absolute beginners to masters alike. All are very welcome.

The club draws in members mostly from Central and East Berkshire, South Oxfordshire and South Buckinghamshire. Club nights are held every third Wednesday at Priestwood Community Centre, Bracknell, RG42 1TU at 7pm.

All club night demonstrations are now ‘hybrid’. So in addition to attending in person, members have the option of seeing demonstrations from home, streamed live on Zoom. Sessions are also recorded using our new modern high resolution audio visual equipment. Very useful if you are away on holiday so you can catch up afterwards and never miss any of the excellent top quality demonstrations. Indeed several members have now joined us from quite far afield and they access most club night demonstrations over Zoom. We also hold regular Zoom coffee morning drop ins open to any member and also host regular hands on workshops.


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