How to join BWA

BWA welcomes new members of all abilities.

We meet every third Wednesday of the month at the Priestwood Community Centre, Bracknell RG42 1TU.

Doors open at 7.00pm., and meetings start shortly afterwards.

The annual subscription is £55 per member. Membership runs from 1st January to 31st December. There is a sliding scale of fee for new members joining after 1st April.

Non-members are welcome to come along and find out more about us, following a free “taster” session, there is a charge of £5 per meeting thereafter. It will be appreciated if you contact us in advance (see below).

To join, please email the Membership Secretary via Email

The subscription does not include membership to the Association of Woodturners of Great Britain (AWGB) but we encourage all our members to join this organisation (£24 pa).

For any other information please contact the Club Secretary via Email.