Demonstrator: None – Club AGM.
Demonstration: N/A.
Competition Theme: An urn with a pedestal foot and lid.
Demonstrator: None – Club AGM.
Demonstration: N/A.
Competition Theme: An urn with a pedestal foot and lid.
Demonstrator: Club member demonstration – Malcolm and Justyn (In person).
Demonstration: Turning and using a Torus.
Competition Theme: A bunch of flowers.
Photo Gallery is now available.
Club “interactive event” – Magicians wand – Harry Potter style
Competition Theme: An Item with a finial which is at least twice as tall as the body
Demonstrator: Gary Rance (In person).
Demonstration: Salt Shaker Bell.
Competition Theme: Something turned off-centre
Demonstrator: N/A – Club General Sale, including wood.
Demonstration: N/A
Competition Theme: An item designed to hang on the wall