The next workshop is:
When: Sunday 29th May 10:15 to 16:30 see Calendar
This is for BWA Club members only (see email for further details)
Theme: ‘Boxes – turning a lidded box and if time allows maybe a small lidded bowl’.
Where: Malcolm Cleaver’s workshop and John French’s workshop.
Numbers: 4 lathes so 8 ‘students’ max. Four people per venue.
Tutors: Malcolm Cleaver, Paul Williamson and Les Alexander. John French and Clive Rogerson.
We provide: Lathes & chucks. Access to Pro Edge, a grinding wheel with Sorby universal jigs and a small Tormek with jigs (Malcolm) – 6inch grinder (John).
We will have a limited amount of BWA wood for you to use. But please do bring your own dry blanks if you want to complete a finished rather than just a practice piece.
Tea, coffee and biccies all included.
You provide: PPE, Tools, BYO lunch
Cost: £10 per person.
If we are oversubscribed we will run repeat sessions.
Please reply to the email if you want to join in. And confirm which venue you would prefer so we can plan
Joining details will then be sent out
The day will be about enjoying yourself whilst doing some turning with friends who will be doing their best to share their experience with you.
The club needs more of its experienced turners to share their knowledge and mentor less experienced club members. If you are able to offer any such help (even in a small way) please speak to any member of the committee.
Kind Regards
Malcolm Cleaver
BWA Chairman