For the June demo, in conjunction with Kennet Valley Woodturners, we watched Jeff Hornung from across the Pond.
The competition theme was “Something Square”
Our judges were the BWA Committee
For the June demo, in conjunction with Kennet Valley Woodturners, we watched Jeff Hornung from across the Pond.
The competition theme was “Something Square”
Our judges were the BWA Committee
Our demonstrators were Stewart Furini and Malcolm Cleaver.
The Competition Theme was ‘Something Light’
Because of Covid-19 lockdown the May competition was judged in July 2020.
April’s demo was, fortuitously, already booked from last year and was the Club’s first experience of Zoom. Cindy Drozda not only gave us an impeccable demonstration from her workshop in Boulder, Colorado, of how to turn a delicate finial, but … Read more...
We had a Drop-in session on March 4th, when Ron Caddy came to show us pen turning.
The March Club Night is normally an open evening, with all the lathes out and a general hands-on session, but it had to … Read more...
The competition theme was “Something Old”
Our judge was Keith Mosley
There were no entries in the Beginners Category