Berkshire Woodturners Association is run on behalf of the members by a small but enthusiastic committee.
The key roles of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer are backed up by number of other committee members, some who undertake specific roles and others who provide general guidance.
Berkshire Woodturners Monthly Meetings
Berkshire Woodturners meet at the New Priestwood Community Centre, Priestwood Court Road, Bracknell, RG42 1TU starting at 7 o’clock
At most meetings we try to enlist the expertise of a nationally known woodturner and we have been privileged with visits from most of the top turners in the country and some from overseas as well. You will find details of this year’s demonstrators on the Events page. To enable all members to get maximum benefit from the demonstrator’s expertise proceedings are shown in close-up on two large screen TVs.
All club night demonstrations are now ‘hybrid’. So in addition to attending in person, members have the option of seeing demonstrations from home, streamed live on Zoom. Sessions are also recorded using our new modern high resolution audio visual equipment. Very useful if you are away on holiday so you can catch up afterwards and never miss any of the excellent top quality demonstrations. Indeed several members have now joined us from quite far afield and they access most club night demonstrations over Zoom.

Hands-on Workshops
Periodically, “hands-on” events may be held at the weekend. The aim is to bring together those with less experience with more experienced turners to give guidence on aspects of turning, choice of tools, tool sharpening, sanding, finishing and similar skills.
The Association welcomes new members of all abilities and from all backgrounds. If you are interested in turning, feel free to come to a meeting on the third Wednesday of any month or contact us. We understand the natural reticence of many people when joining a new group and not liking to approach a stranger and ask their name. So members are issued with a membership card showing their name.
Membership Fees
The annual membership fee is £55 payable by standing order or bank transfer in January, which also covers entry to all monthly meetings and demonstrations. These fees cover the cost of hall hire, demonstrator fees and other incidental expenses.

Management of the Association
The Berkshire Woodturners Association is managed by a committee elected by the membership at the AGM. The committee members are elected for a two year term and can stand for re-election when that term expires. The committee, which meets regularly, manages the affairs of the Association in accordance with a Constitution. Members are always welcome to make suggestions, questions or comments.
The committee members are listed on the Contact page.