For the past few years (except 2020) the BWA has been a regular at the August Bank Holiday craft show at Stonor Park, Henley-on-Thames ยท RG9 6HF – though it seems that every year they call it something different. Colin, Jason, Matt and Chris will stay on site for the whole weekend. One gazebo is for the lathes, the other is for displaying – and even selling – members’ work, so if you’d like to try to sell your pieces come along and plonk – I mean, carefully place, it on the table with a price attached, but bear in mind we are happy to let people pick up items to get a good look. The lathes are there so we can show the craft in action, and that’s really the point of being there. Typically we turn spinning tops and give them away to the kids.
27-30 August – Stonor Park